The Amazing Benefits of Having a Personal Trainer

Written by Hyde Phillips

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How are you going with your New Year fitness plan? Are you into a great routine and feeling motivated and energized? Or do you need to reassess your plan and look at strategies to accelerate your progress? If you’re going well then that is wonderful news. Keep doing what you’re doing!

If not, then perhaps it’s time to consider hiring a personal trainer? Here are some of the amazing benefits that personal training can offer.

The Ultimate Accountability Buddy

Accountability is one of the keys to fitness success for many people. You could choose to be accountable by having a workout buddy. You rely on each other to show up for sessions because there’s an element of not wanting to let the other person down. Sessions often feel more fun as you push each other to work harder and you’ve got someone to banter with along the way.

Always assess whether your training buddy is helping you make progress, or hindering it. Are you more likely to ‘slack off’ than train better with your buddy? If you answered yes but still like to train alongside someone, consider hiring a personal trainer as your ultimate accountability buddy.

A great personal trainer is the most reliable accountability buddy you can have. They’ll remind you about sessions and follow up in between. They’ll help you create a plan to follow outside of your planned sessions and will regularly check in with how you’re going and tweak your plan when required.

Click here to find a personal trainer near you

A Personalized Training Program and Plan

A qualified trainer has the knowledge and skills to create a plan and program that will work for you. They’ll spend time finding out about your goals, barriers, exercise history, medical information, previous injuries, and exercise preferences.

From there they’ll design the best possible plan to help you gradually progress towards your goals. There is no ‘guessing’ about what the right exercises or progression levels are. They have the knowledge to create a progressive, balanced program that considers important variables including frequency, intensity, time, type and enjoyment. Your personal trainer is an expert in fitness and exercise and their guidance ensures you don’t waste your time through trial and error.

Encouragement and Support

Your personal trainer will spend time getting to know you right from the initial consultation. They’ll get to know whether you respond well to a ‘military’ style approach or whether you’ll adhere better  to your program and plan when the main focus is on fun.

Most of all, they’ll be your biggest ‘cheerleader”. They’ll help you with strategies to get back on the ‘fitness wagon’ when you hit bumps in the road. They recognize the times you need to be pushed harder, versus the times you need a rest. A great personal trainer will inspire you and will help you believe in and fulfill your amazing health and fitness potential.

Measurable Progress

Your personal trainer takes care of important baseline health and fitness tests that provide a benchmark to measure your success. Depending on your goals, they can take care of things such as before and after photos, body fat or girth measurements, and cardio, strength or flexibility tests. Personal trainers have the skills to ensure that they carry out tests that are both valid and reliable.

Sometimes you might feel like you haven’t progressed much with something because it can be hard to recognize it with the gradual progressions you are making. Regular fitness testing with a personal trainer is carried out at appropriate intervals and helps you to realize what amazing progress you have made since you started. It also provides the insights required to make appropriate changes to sessions and programs if progress stalls.

Options That Will Work for You

As well as creating personalized sessions and programs, the tailored approach of a personal trainer ensures that your plan fits in with your lifestyle needs and personal situation. Perhaps personal training isn’t in your budget right now? In that case, a great personal trainer should be able to offer a lower cost, or slightly less personalized solution. Examples include shorter sessions, buddy training, small group training, or group fitness sessions.

One on one sessions will be scheduled at a time that works for both the trainer and trainee, whether that’s early in the morning before you go to work, during a lunch break, after work, or at another time during the day.

Our trainers take your options to the next level by coming to YOU. Yes that’s right. We offer you the ultimate in convenience and time effective training by coming to your home, workplace or another convenient location so that you don’t waste time and money travelling. Having a personal trainer come to you is a surefire way to make sure you don’t miss your session!

Click here to find a personal trainer near you

Do you use a personal trainer or have you used one in the past? What was your experience like? What were the benefits you received that you wouldn’t have received from training on your own? We’d love to hear about it so please leave a comment in the box below!

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